Traffic Factory is using a Real-Time Bidding system, the higher you bid, your ads will be displayed more in front and receive more traffic. The top bidder gets most of the traffic available in the country and video categories targeted, at the time of the campaign. If you are using the minimum bid during your whole campaign, most likely your ad will be displayed near the end and will receive very few impressions, which will be difficult to promote your product effectively.
We suggest using a bid that is slightly higher than the minimum bid at the early stage of your campaign, then based on the obtained traffic data, gradually increase or adjust your bids. You are able to find the minimum bid level for each GEO here:
When creating your campaign’s target, please make sure to avoid adding more than one GEO in a single target. This is because there are large differences in bid levels between different GEOs, using a single bid can be too high (even wasteful) in certain GEOs, whereas in other GEOs, your bid will be too low.
We suggest using one GEO per target, as you can add multiple targets in the same campaign. You can set an appropriate bid for each target based on the bid level of that GEO.
When setting a CPC campaign’s daily or maximum budget, please make sure to avoid using a very low budget number. (For example using 10USD while targeting the US).
This is because if you are targeting a GEO where there are a lot of traffic, our system will actively restricts the traffic sent to your campaign, in order not to overspend your budget. As a result, your campaign may not receive enough traffic to promote your product. We suggest setting a suitable budget number according to the specific situation of your target country.
If you have any questions, please contact us. Traffic Factory team